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In any part of my testimony, I am only telling you what happens so it will only bring glory to God for what he has done in my life and not to give any glory to the devil for the wrong that I have done. It is only to give glory to God, who brought me out of darkness and into the light.
My purpose is to invoke a reaction within you to help you towards your full potential. You will find some information within the words that I have put together or in the videos, whether it be in a documentrey or Tteaching or music video. These will speak to you and right then and there you have a choice to act upon it or ignore it. You have a free will. It is your choice.
You could have two Harvard University professors who did the same class and the same subjects and have different opinions because they are individuals with different experiences. So, what I am saying is that I am not being politically correct. You should do your own studies and read the word of God for yourself.
I am not smart enough to analyse, the word of God like most people. Hey, I can’t read properly or even spell in writing everything. I had to use Siri on my phone and when she can’t understand me, I have to go searching to find that word somewhere.
I am not a Bible Theologian, so I could well be wrong. So I advise you not to take anything that I say and teach, at face value, but instead do your own bible study and investigation in the original Hebrew and Greek.
I wish to acknowledge the contribution of over 110 or so books that are listed below, just some of what I have read in my life. Not taking away anything from them and the hard work that they have done putting their books together, but to give them the acknowledgement in which they deserve.
When growing up as a child and being dyslexic and not being good at reading and spelling, I was called and I was considered ‘dumb’ because I could not talk properly. Because there was a flap of skin under my tongue that prevented me from sounding my letters and words.
Therefore, I was called, stupid or an idiot and backwoods or a "spastic" and comprehension for me was hard and sometimes still is today. People always thought that I was a bit slow, even into my adulthood. I have been told that it takes me a lot to catch on with things. It was difficult and it has taken me a long time to put everything together.
You can read more about me and my Testimony in the book called:
I believe that the bible is the infallible word of God and it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is written by man, under the power of the Holy Spirit. You may not understand everything about the bible but there is one thing that you must understand; if you do not believe that the word of God is the infallible word then you would be in unbelief and no one gets anything in unbelief.
I use the King James Translation and the reason I do that is because this is the translation that I learned to read with. I also did my own study and found out that although it is not a perfect translation, it is closer then other modern translations. When I quote a verse of the bible, I am making a point of reference, hoping for you to understand a bit better of what I am trying to say. When I put a bible quote in, I will sometimes put the words, [End of Quote], so you will know that it is a direct quote from the Bible. But sometimes I will change a word that is in old English, to a modern English word to help you to understand it a bit better. So, if you do a back check and compare it with the King James Translation, you will be able to see the word, or words that I have changed.
Whenever I refer to a man, I am referring to male and a female because when God made mankind he just made man. In the beginning God made a man out of the dust of the ground and then God made a woman out of the man and then God made a man out of the woman, making the woman greater than the man because she had become a mother. God made male and female of all living things so you have a male dog and a female dog but they are both called a dog. We have a male horse and a female horse but they are both called a horse.
God made the man to be over the woman, not to control her or to condemn her but to nourish her and to cherish her by the washing of water and by the word of God. See below.
Ephesians 5:25-29 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So, ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourished and cherished it, even as the Lord the church." [End of Quote]
Father, I thank you for your mercy and your grace. I come to you in the name and by the blood of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I ask you to help me to do the best I can do with all this Information and revelation and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I pray peace upon everybody that reads this and I pray that they will be convicted by the Holy Spirit whenever is needed. I pray that they will have an encounter with God as the Holy Spirit draws them to the Father in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ, Amen.